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What is Grounding and how does it influence your health - Ecortal.net

What is Grounding and how does it influence your health - Ecortal.net

¿Alguna vez ha caminado descalzo sobre la arena tibia de la playa? ¿O se ha quitado los zapatos por la mañana y pasado los dedos de sus pies entre el césped cubierto de rocío? Hay algo inherentemente gratificante en sentir la piel en contacto directo con la tierra – por ejemplo, al meter las manos desnudas en la tierra mientras trabaja en el jardín.Qué es el Grounding y cómo influye en tu salud - EcoPortal.net Qué es el Grounding y cómo influye en tu salud - EcoPortal.net

This satisfactory feeling is not just by chance;It is the result of your body's contact with the surface of the earth, through which electricity is conducted - a phenomenon known as Grounding or Earthing.

The earth carries a huge negative load.It is always rich in electrons and can be useful as a powerful and abundant source of antioxidant electrons that eliminate free radicals.His body is delicately tuned to "work" with the earth, in the sense that there is a constant flow of energy between them.

When you put your feet on the ground, it absorbs large amounts of negative electrons through the soles of your feet.The effect is enough to keep your body with the same negative electrical potential of the Earth.

The simple grounding process is one of the most powerful antioxidants we know.Grounding has proven to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, increase well -being and much more.Unfortunately, many of the people living in developed countries rarely connect with the land today.

Dr. James Oschman, an expert in the field of energy medicine, with a degree in Biophysics and PhD in Biology from the University of Pittsburgh, said:

“In the publications and practices of diverse cultures around the world, subjective reports can be found that indicate that walking barefoot on Earth improves health and provides a feeling of well -being.For a variety of reasons, many people are reluctant to walk barefoot outside, unless they are on vacation on the beach. ”

More than a dozen studies confirm the psychological effects of grounding

Dr. Oschman, together with a dozen other researchers, has conducted research on the psychological effects of grinding.More than a dozen studies have been published in the magazines reviewed by pairs that show their benefits for inflammation, immune response, wound healing and the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

According to an analysis published in Journal of Inflammation Research:

"Grounding reduces or even prevents cardinal signs of inflammation caused by injuries: redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function ... The rapid solution of painful chronic inflammation was confirmed in 20 case studies, in whichinfrared scan was used ...

Our main hypothesis is that connecting the body with the earth allows the free electrons of their surface to enter and distribute in the body, where they can have antioxidant effects.

Specifically, we suggest that mobile electrons generate an antioxidant microenvironment around the wound repair field, which prevents oxygen reactive species (ROS), generated in the oxidative burst, cause 'collateral damage' to the healthy tissue, and preventsor reduce the formation of the so -called "inflammatory response."

We also assume that Earth's electrons can prevent or solve the so -called "silent" or "latent" inflammation.

Qué es el Grounding y cómo influye en tu salud - EcoPortal.net

Interestingly, the research on the grinding has discovered that if it places their feet on the ground after an injury (or on a sheet that has made land or if patches are placed for grounding on metatarsals), electrons will migrate to their body andThey will be distributed in their fabrics.

Any free radical that leaks towards the healthy tissue will immediately be electrically neutralized.This happens because electrons are negative, while free radicals are positive, so they cancel each other.

Grounding could improve sleep, reduce pain, support heart health and more

In a summary of the discoveries made to this day, Dr. Oschman and his colleagues claim that grounding seems to have a variety of beneficial health effects, such as:

The concept of Grounding was initially developed by Clint Ober.In a study that Ober conducted in 2000, some people who suffered from sleep disorders and chronic articular pain were randomly divided connected to the earth or "falsely" connected to the earth.

The majority of people who slept connected reported a symptomatic improvement in sleep and pain, and some also reported a significant relief of their asthmatic and respiratory conditions, of rheumatoid arthritis, SMP, sleep apnea and hypertension.According to the Journal of Environmental and Public Health: "These results indicated that the effects of Earthing go beyond the reduction of pain and sleep improvements."

Even another study found to make contact with the earth during a single night of sleep caused significant changes in the concentration of the minerals and electrolytes of the participants' blood and when connected for 72 hours it caused that the decreased glucose in people with people with people withdiabetes

Además, también se determinó que hacer contacto mientras duerme es la primera intervención conocida que acelera la recuperación del dolor muscular de aparición tardía (DMAT), es decir, el dolor y la rigidez que aparecen horas o días después del ejercicio agotador.7 También se ha documentado la reducción de la inflamación y el estrés como resultado del grounding.

According to Dr. Stephen Sinatra, prominent cardiologist, inflammation develops when blood is thick and when you have a lot of stress due to free radicals and many positive charges in the body.When making contact with the earth, inflammation is effectively relieved, since this thinns the blood and fills your body with negative load ions through the soles of your feet.

Grounding for anti -aging

One of the dominant theories about aging is that of free radicals, which indicates that aging occurs due to the cumulative damage of the body caused by free radicals.Free radicals are obtained through wounds or chronic inflammation, when breathing and the food it consumes, among other things.

While the ideal is not to eliminate all free radicals, the healthy balance of the body's antioxidant electrons should be maintained, to ensure that the damage caused by free radicals does not get out of control.

Earthing can achieve this delicate balance, as its effects on inflammation are evident.Infrared medical scan shows that inflammation begins to decrease at 30 minutes of being connected to the earth.At the same time, metabolic activity increases, as well as oxygen consumption, pulse index and breathing, and decreases blood oxygenation, after 40 minutes.

Researchers refer to this as "filling" the reserves of the negative load, which, once saturated, can distribute antioxidant electrons to the injured areas.According to the Journal of Inflammation Research:

“These considerations also imply anti -aging effects of earthing or grounding, since the dominant theory about aging emphasizes the cumulative damage caused by roses produced during normal metabolism or in response to pollutants, poisons or injuries.

We assume that there is an anti -aging effect of grouting that is based on a living matrix that reaches each part of the body and that is capable of carrying antioxidant electrons to the parts where the integrity of the tissue could be compromised, due to the reactive oxidants of any source”

‘An essential element in the health formula’

Simply, when going abroad, being barefoot, touching the earth and allowing the excess load of your body to release on earth, can relieve a bit of stress that continually arrives at your system.

Walking barefoot can help you recover from the constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other radiation of cell phones, computers and Wi-Fi.It is also believed that grounding can help facilitate the formation of structured water in the body.

In addition, grounding also reassures the sympathetic nervous system, which supports the variability of the cardiac index.When the variability of the cardiac index is maintained, homeostasis, balance, in the autonomic nervous system is promoted.This is important, because when it improves the variability of the cardiac index, the entire organism and all its functions improve.If you want to know more, see the documentary Grouted (in which I appear).

He will listen to first -hand reports from Haines residents, Alaska, who have overcome chronic pain, sleep apnea and much more, simply by connecting with the earth.According to the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Grounding is really an essential element for human health:

“Research, observations and related theories about EARTHING, pose an intriguing possibility about the electrons of the earth's surface, as a health resource that has not been used - the earth as a‘ global bed ’for therapy.

Emerging evidence show that contact with the earth - either by walking barefoot abroad or by connecting inside to conductive systems that make land - it can be a simple, natural and deeply effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, anxious dysfunction, inflammation, pain, poor quality sleep, HRV alterations, hypercoagulable blood and many health disorders, such as cardiovascular diseases.

Research done to date supports the concept that connecting the human body to earth can be an essential element in the health formula, together with sunlight, pure air and water, nutritional foods and activity physical".

Simple ways of connecting to Earth

Many people in the United States spend most of the time they are awake wearing shoes with rubber or plastic sole.These materials are very effective insulators, precisely why they are used to isolate electrical cables.However, they also effectively disconnect from the natural flow of Earth's electrons. Use shoes with leather sole will allow you to stay connected to the earth, as will be barefoot, although you must do it on the proper surface.The surfaces where you can connect to Earth are:

The following surfaces will not connect it to Earth:

As I mentioned, simply take off your shoes as much as possible when you are outside, it will help you take advantage of natural opportunities to make.When inside, using a pad or sheet to make grounding is an excellent way to stay connected to the earth while working or sleeps.

For people who travel frequently, I even generally bring with me a pad to make contact with the earth when it flight, although Dr. Sinatra states that just by taking off their shoes and placing the feet (barefoot or with socks) aboutThe metal strut will achieve the effect.According to the Journal of Environmental and Public Health:

"From a practical point of view, doctors could recommend to patients" sessions without shoes "abroad, when weather and conditions allow it.In general, it has been observed that just leaving barefoot for 30 or 40 minutes a day can significantly reduce pain and stress ... Obviously, connecting barefoot to Earth has no cost.However, the use of conductive systems when sleeping, working or relaxing in closed places provides a more convenient strategy and facilitates to continue with your routine. ”

By Dr. Mercola


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