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Benedict XVI accuses of a "mishandling" in some cases of sexual abuse in the church

Benedict XVI accuses of a "mishandling" in some cases of sexual abuse in the church

A report from the Diocese of Munich registered 4 cases of sexual abuse in which Benedict XVI had a "mishandling" while he was archbishop in Germany.

A diferencia de su antecesor, Benedicto XVI no fue un Papa popular. Callado, reservado y verdaderamente anciano, el hombre se dedicó a escribir bulas papales, relativas a la teología y asuntos que requieren de conocimientos más elevados sobre la fe católica. Después de un papado realmente breve —con apenas 8 años de reinado—, Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger pasó a la historia como el segundo pontífice en renunciar a su cargo.Acusan a Benedicto XVI de un ‘mal manejo’ en algunos casos de abusos sexual en la Iglesia Acusan a Benedicto XVI de un ‘mal manejo’ en algunos casos de abusos sexual en la Iglesia

After abdicating, Ratzinger resigned himself to an even more silent life.With Francisco's overwhelming popularity, his successor, Benedict XVI became one more shadow of the Vatican - despite being Pope number 265.Conservative, rigid and dedicated to Christian reflection, their public appearances were plugs and without pomp - always shoes with Prada shoes.

Although his administration was governed by being dedicated ‘to prayer and spiritual retire.This is what we know.

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Conservative measures and the ‘Pope of accessories’

In 2007, Esquire defined Benedict XVI as ‘The Pope of Accessories’.This happened after an international scandal that caused red moccasins, which the pontiff led to one of his papal activities.Despite his taste for Italian fashion, Ratzinger preferred to adopt a more aligned reign to extreme right ideals.

Scholar in the matter of Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers, existentialist philosophers, decided that it would be the best to return to the values that had ordered the Catholic Church for centuries.The opening of mind, in his eyes, was not an alternative in the 21st century:

Acusan a Benedicto XVI de un ‘mal manejo’ en algunos casos de abusos sexual en la Iglesia

At the same time, the various scandals for violations that the Catholic Church had accumulated for decades began to mediate.A new report from the Diocese of Munich, in Germany, denounces that Benedict XVI had a "misunderstanding" of cases of sexual abuse while holding the position.Especially, according to the overture of AP, between 1970 and 1980.

Although Benedict XVI did not assume the position as Pope until 2005, the issues related to his administration as Archbishop of Munich had not come to light so far.Today, with 94 years of age, Ratzinger wrote an extensive letter in which he flatly denies a "misconduct" in her Archbishopric years.

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4 confirmed cases for Benedict XVI

The firm that is taking the case is Westpfahl Spilker Wastl.For two years, they commissioned an extensive report to review cases of sexual abuse by the Catholic Church in Germany.Specifically, between 1945 and 2019, in order to analyze whether the institution had served them satisfactorily.

According to the results of the report, it seems that it was not the case:

In half of the cases, the perpetrators were punished by the German judicial system.However, they kept the position as clergy “without express limits on what they were allowed to do”, AP denounces.Under the canonical law, no action was ordered against him.

For the third case, a priest who was accused in Germany was transferred to the Archdiocese of Munich - without reprisals.Finally, it was ordered for a pedophile minister to undergo ‘therapy’, with express approval of Ratzinger in 1980.Six years later, this man received a sentence suspended for abusing a child.

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Given the accusations of the German report, Ratzinger has responded only with negatives."In all cases, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI strictly denies any irregularity on his part," Pusch said.However, the law firm that is carrying this case and various civil society organizations are not surprised by the complaints contained in the document.

"For us, this is not a shocking news," Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priets (SNAP) said in a statement, a network that represents survivors of sexual abuse by the clergy.According to their experience, the ‘unpleasant inactions’ manifest years later, after a painful silence by the Church - and lost research years for the victims.

Benedict XVI described himself as a ‘son of Germany’.For years, he prayed for the souls of the millions of people who lost their lives in Auschwitz.While doing these public appearances, before holding office as Pope, he decided to ignore the cases of sexual abuse in the Diocese of Munich.

The report ends by saying that the victims were mostly children, who served as acolytes in the German churches between 1945 and 2014.All of them, under 13 years old.The figure exceeds 3,600 confirmed cases.

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