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News: Minecraft 1.18: Experimental Snapshot 7: The Elytra

News: Minecraft 1.18: Experimental Snapshot 7: The Elytra

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A new experimental snapshot was released this Wednesday, probably the last one, which is once not usual, but looks at gameplay changes instead of the world builder.

The elytraThe most important changes in this snapshot therefore concern the elytra whose balances have been revised.

The first change concerns the wear of the elytra: they will now be able to last much longer, as they no longer wear out when used in gliding. It is during use for propulsion that the elytra now wear out: one wear point every time a rocket is used. But if we use the new mountains to start with, it is possible to keep the elytra much longer, even without the enchantment :)

On the other hand, the rockets have been nerfed: when we use rockets, we accelerate less, so we go less far. Therefore, their range has been reduced by approximately 20%.

Here is a graph of the distances traveled with each of the 3 rockets, level 1 (on the left), level 2 (in the center), and level 3 (ie drawn with 3, on the right): In khaki the distance traveled with the old elytra, in light green the new distance, reduced by 25% with the basic rocket, and by 20% for level 2 and 3 rockets. signal with each use of a rocket, whatever its level, It becomes preferable to privilege level 3 rockets.

Note that only the speed has been reduced when using the elytra, the planned flight speed remains unchanged. This speed reduction with rockets was chosen to reduce lags on multiplayer servers: in fact, under these conditions, Player movement speed is so important that it is often greater than the charge speed of chunks, slowing them down. down the server. This issue might have gotten even worse now that the height of the worlds has been increased, which increases the amount of shards to load (especially basement shards) and thus the risk of lag.

Mojang also justifies this choice to nerf elytra to improve other modes of transportation: traveling in elytra was so fast that players didn't even attempt to use the other modes of transportation.

Finally, the last comment from Mojang: the new generated worlds are so beautiful that it would be a shame to fly over them too quickly without having time to enjoy them, right?😉

World Builder Changes The world builder changes are minimal in this snapshot, just 2 small changes:

The latest experimental snapshot This snapshot is small, a bit new, Mojang seems happy with the new world builder. So it should be the last experimental snapshot to be released, so the release cycle for classic snapshots should resume soon , they will be automatically published to the launcher as before without the need to manually install it. Mojang is also working on allowing old worlds to be opened with the new world generator (as a reminder, it is currently not possible to open an old world in these experimental snapshots, nor reproduce a world generated in these snapshots with an old version of the game).

You can try this snapshot now by clicking "Try Snapshot" from the NewsVideoGames.com launcher. If you want to try this snapshot, it is highly not recommended to backup your worlds as you simply cannot open your old worlds from there , so there is no risk of corrupting them. On the other hand, it is not recommended to start a new game on these experimental builds because Mojang does not guarantee that you will be able to continue playing on its experimental worlds in future snapshots.

If you use the Mojang launcher the installation is more complex, it is briefly described in the news of the first experimental versions.