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HomeLeather shoes and bags → Cage-Cosas mons...
Cage-Cosas monster

Cage-Cosas monster

(Rock music)

Conquer humanity,

Load my batteries forever and then conquer humanity.

Oh, no! Agus, Agus, Agus!

Up the machines, below humans!

Paki, what happened?

I don't talk to humans, outside my room!

But if this is not your room.

Oh no.Lui, I think Paki has been wet,

That is why he says those follies.

Oh, poor.

We are going to dry it. Come here, Paki.


Are you fine Lui?

Yes, yes, just that I have scared.

Paki, if we, Agus and Lui, your friends.

I don't talk to humans.

If we just want to help you, come.

We will never be able to take it.

We don't, but maybe yes ...

Paki, I need you to look for a video, please.


Paki ... I need you to look for a video ...

To help you conquer humanity.

Then yes.

The video of ...

How to make a monstrucoge-Cosas, please.

Looking for data,

Processing files, video found.

Three, fourteen, sixteen, PIIIII.

Wow!I think with this ...

Yes, we are going to fix Pakiseguro with this,

We will be able to dry it. Let's see what it does.

CARTON, ALBAL ... OR, A lot of things.

Monstruo coge-cosas

A lot of things.

Look, look, he has taken the cardboard, to see what he does with him.

With the cardboard it is making the church equal,

They are like strips

And they are going to cut them.

I hope it goes quickly, if not ...

Ah, yes, look, it was fast.

And now, what will you do with that? That seems, I don't know.

You are making holes at the ends and the medium.

Is doing as wood,

as well as to make a train, the track of a train.

I think it's like a piece, of these that fit.

Ah, ok, ok, okay.

Sure not a train track?Look.

Chuuu, Chuuu!Well no.

Hey I don't know if we are going to get something,

I don't know if Pakiha chosen the video well,

As is like that, a little rare ...

Ahhh!He doesn't make all holes,

Only two and is drawing something there.

And now what? No, no, Paki was wrong.

That is as if they were tweezers.

Do you think we are going to be able to do something with this?

I don't know, if I still don't understand anything, really.

Yes, I think that's like a ...

Have you seen the crabs, who have tweezers?

I think it's something similar.

Ah, it can be, if then cross them to move things.

And now he is making them fat holes,

As I like, hahahahaha.

Oh, now yes, now I understand.

So this now has to unite it and is doing ...

Are you doing a churro?

You are really churro!

I think he will wrap him ... Ah, no, wait.

Ah, he is doing as if they were nails.

Ahhh!And it enters it now squeezes it.

Ok, ok, it's as if it were a kind of rivet

But it does it with aluminum foil.

It is true.

It is that the aluminum foil is very cool.

Look, and moves.

Hala, flatter, flatter, how quickly. Go fit the pieces.

Look what speed.

What a guay.

Go, look, already has it mounted, to see what happens now.

Oh, oh oh! Hala, flatter.Sure, do you see?

It is what he told you, he tied the clicks,

They can also be like a mouth.

Jo, but this is incredible. And now, what is he doing?

I think he is tuned.

Ah, of course, it is important to decorate things.

I think that is as if they were

scales of an important dragon.

It has to be a but it has to be pretty,

It is important to decorate things.It is a mouth.

Hala, and you can take things.

With that we can cover Paki sure

and clean them that we give us cramps.

Look, look, but what invention.

(Harp sounding)

Guay, with the cage-caSasy monster the cloth

We leave Paki more than the Sahara desert.

Agus, Lui? But what happened to me?

Not much, just got wet

and wanted to conquer humanity.

LOL. Good joke.

Now that you are fine, do you want to see with us

What have colleagues to the clan page?

Of course!They do super cuquis things.

Oh, but look, if we are! This is great.

Guay, Alexis and Unilo have sent and we are you and me.

Hahaha yes yes.

And we have been a few socks

and some ping-pong balls.

And look, look, what is this?

A kind of owl or something.

Buah, Marinase has cured him a lot.

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(Rock music)