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How to request and download the 'Covid Passport' in Aragon

How to request and download the 'Covid Passport' in Aragon

The Covid Digital Certificate that is required in nightlife and great celebrations since Thursday, November 25 throughout Aragon, entered into force on July 1 in Spain, although the Autonomous Community has already begun to broadcast it weeks before, according to whatset by health.

It is a digital accreditation, backed by Brussels and the Ministry of Health, which allows to travel to citizens in the EU who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, have antibodies or have a negative PCR.His possession facilitates free circulation during the Covid-19 pandemic without having to undergo a quarantine.

This 'Covid Passport' is free and is broadcast in Spanish and English, being safe, reliable and valid in all EU countries, while fully respecting the fundamental rights of citizens including the protection of personal data.From the European Commission they recommend that everyone who wants to travel expedite it to be able to facilitate the maximum possible mobility.

The president of the Government of Aragon, Javier Lambán, said on November 17 that the Ministry of Health was "weighing" to ask the Ministry to implant the Covid passport after an increase in Covid-19 cases in the community in the community.

The Department of Health published on November 24 an order by which specific measures for the control of the Covid-19 pandemic were taken and specifically establishes the obligation to present the Covid certificate in the nightlife establishments (party rooms,dance rooms);celebrations of all kinds that may take place in hospitality and restoration establishments and mass events.Thus, as of this Thursday, November 25, people over 12 years must take it to access nightlife establishments (party rooms, dance rooms and the like), nuptial celebrations, communions, baptisms, confirmations and social celebrations, social celebrations,family, religious or civilians who may take place in hospitality and restoration establishments, events of any nature that meet more than 500 attendees in a closed place or 1.000 attendees in open spaces.

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How to request the Covid Digital Certificate in Aragon and how to download it

This official document is processed by each Autonomous Community and Aragon began on June 7.

Cómo solicitar y descargar el 'pasaporte covid' en Aragón

The document, which indicates whether the complete pattern is possessed or if, on the contrary, it is in the middle of the process, it can be downloaded in digital format on the health website (www.healthy health.it is).To request it, a safe authentication method is required such as the digital certificate, the cl@ve or health pin to access your application and download.

Once the data is entered, a new tab is accessed where three certificate options that can be consulted: vaccination, recovery and diagnostic tests appear.If you click on the first, a PDF file is automatically downloaded that is the certificate.

In the upper part of the document the data of the interested party (full name and date of birth) are shown next to a QR code.The details of the vaccination are specified below: two codes that respond with the certificate identifier and with its issuer.In the last part, the information of the managed vaccine, the type, the date of the pattern, the dose number, the manufacturer and the Member State of the Vaccination is indicated.

The citizen can choose whether to obtain the certificate in digital format, in paper or both, including a QR code that will serve for their validation.

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Aragón implanta el pasaporte covid obligatorio en ocio nocturno, grandes eventos y celebraciones a partir de mañana
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How to get the Covid passport without having the pin

A total of 316 Aragonese pharmacies can issue since Monday, December 13, the Covid Vaccination Certificate, a measure that will result in a better accessibility for citizens to obtain this accrediting document.To issue the European digital certificate, pharmacies have a specific application provided by the Department of Health;In addition to issuing the certificate corresponding to diagnostic tests, vaccination may also be issued in their premises.

Can you be requested in person at an office?

For people who have difficulties in handling with new technologies, this new certificate can also be requested in person at health centers, user care services of hospitals and in provincial health services, the identification of the identification of theApplicants.

Can you download in the health app?

In the health apport, it can be obtained in the tab of 'COVID EU' digital certificate.

Validity of the Covid Digital certificate

Validity depends on the type of certificate.

Latest news about the coronavirus and the vaccination process.

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