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How to make the stiff shoes that squeeze more and more comfortable?

How to make the stiff shoes that squeeze more and more comfortable?

Comprar zapatos nuevos puede ser algo incómodo, sobre todo en la parte del empeine o en la punta de los dedos si son cerrados; sin embargo, usar una talla más ya es demasiado grande para tu pie y se volvería aún más incómodo... ¿qué hacer cuando un zapato te aprieta? ¿Cómo hacer más grandes y cómodos los zapatos tiesos que aprietan? ¿Cómo hacer más grandes y cómodos los zapatos tiesos que aprietan?

The most logical option - normally - is to buy them and support them until they accommodate our foot, that stick to our footprint and gradually stop hurting, but why suffer unnecessarily?There are tricks to make a shoe get bigger without having to wait a long time.This will work perfect but do not do any of these tricks if your shoes are leather because you will spoil it.

Tricks to loosen a new shoe and do not hurt you

Úsalos todo el tiempo, hasta en la noche

The shoes usually fit the foot as they are used but if you want this process to go faster, you can use them all the time, even at home.In this way you will get them to be softer and bigger in a short time.

Do this at least a week or until you notice any change.Five days later, go to try the shoes and check if they are more comfortable and if your fingers have more space.

Calcetines/calcetas gruesas y secador de pelo

If you wear shoes even at home but do not become bigger, this method is even faster.

  1. Ponte unos calcetines o calcetas gruesas.
  2. Amarra las agujetas (no muy apretadas) de los zapatos.
  3. Conecta y enciende el secador de pelo a 30 cm del zapato.
  4. Si es posible pon el secador en un nivel de calor medio.
  5. Dirige el calor a la parte más ajustada del zapato por 20 segundos.
  6. Para que no se maltraten tus zapatos, mueve de lado a lado el secador.
  7. Apaga el secador y camina con los zapatos puestos en lo que se enfrían.

Mételos al congelador con una bolsa con agua adentro

¿Cómo hacer más grandes y cómodos los zapatos tiesos que aprietan?

When the water freezes, it expands, so a frozen water bag could help your shoes grow a little more.How to do it?

  1. Mete una bolsa con cierre hermético en cada zapato y llénalas con agua (no olvides cerrar la bolsa).
  2. Mete los zapatos al congelador.
  3. Ya que el agua esté congelada saca los zapatos del congelador.
  4. Espera a que el hielo se derrita.
  5. Repite los pasos hasta que los zapatos tengan el tamaño que quieres.

Mete una papa cruda en los zapatos

To grow your shoes with a potato you have.Choose one that fits at the tip of the shoe, peel the potato and wrap it on onion paper.If you don't have you, you can do it with a thin bag of fabric.Put the potato again in the shoe and leave it there all night.The potato will begin to release a liquid that will help the shoe become softer and grow in size.

When you use the shoes you will notice how they are wider, especially at the tip.If you still squeeze, repeat the process until they are the perfect size.

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Usa un aerosol para agrandar zapatos

Many of these aerosols are made of alcohol.They help them dry faster without mistreating the condition, softness and brightness.The spray to stretch shoes soften the synthetic leather to stretch.Although the shoes are normally enlarged with use, the spray will make this process faster.

Horma para agrandar zapatos

Also called 'Shoe stretcher', it is an instrument made of wood shaped like a shoe.It has a series of screws that can be used to adjust the size and make a shoe bigger.They are not very expensive, you can get them for up to $ 200 pesos.Using a last is the simplest and safest technique to make a shoe larger, in fact it is the trick they use in the shoe stores since you only have to put it in the shoe and calibrate how much you want it to be enlarged.

If you combine it with any sprays to enlarge, you will have more comfortable shoes in a very short time and without damaging them.

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What can you do so that your leather or suede shoes become bigger?

Because of the way in which suede or leather shoes are made, they are not possible to grow or stretch because they end up damaged.If you have a bit tight, the best thing you can do is use them until the shoe adapts to the shape of your foot.