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Faith keeps her five years after her child's disappearance with autism

Faith keeps her five years after her child's disappearance with autism

On April 11, 2017, it is a date that Kirsy Lorena Carrión and her husband José Báez have not been able to forget.That day, Abraham José, his second son, left the house and has never been known about his whereabouts.

For them, the disappearance of their child with autism was somewhat momentary, because they believed that at least someone would have his door to take his little one, who by then was only seven years old.Unfortunately, it wasn't like this.The minutes, hours, days, months and years have passed and nobody has known where Abraham José is.

"Faith has kept me standing.I have occupied my mind and heart in helping others from the Church because we must continue, we must have Abraham's faith, trust that God does not overwhelm us ”.This expresses it with hope that that man in whom he believes so much, does not depart from his life.

Tears and nightlife nights

He has cried a lot, confesses and then explains that the Word of God is his comfort in those moments."And when insomnia arrives, because prayer is the most effective response to receive peace and comfort," says the mother after regretting that she has received very little help from the competent authorities.

To the question about which resources exhausted to find it, Kirsy Lorena replies that the first thing was to be part of the police and the media.This while organizing search groups, making posters, going for the provinces, sending portraits to schools and churches throughout the country to see if he saw his beloved abraham José José again.

When time passed, she knew that things were becoming difficult, even more so that the product of her diagnosis of autism, the child does not speak.That has been his torment, which has diluted with hope placed in the divine response.

La fe la mantiene en pie a cinco años de la desaparición de su niño con autismo

In his words, this mother shows a great strength, which she has used to find a way to occupy her mind.In fact, he has taken refuge in writing and the fruit of this is his book ‘Visits of God’."Basically it is a study of Abraham's story that of the Bible, but God helped me a lot when we expect something with patience".Make it clear that he waits for that great day.

"That is not overcome, it survives if you have Jesus Christ in the heart"

It is almost certain that many of the people who read this story will put themselves in Kirsy Lorena Carrión's shoes and her husband José Báez.It is inevitable to let the question come "What would I do if something like that happened to me?".

This mother has an answer to this question.“If he is going through this situation or he has to live it, hopefully not, strengthen in God and, if it is his will, then he will bring his disappeared loved ones.Have God first in their life so that they can cope with situations like these that are quite difficult ”.

Although with that faith of iron that accompanies her, Kirsy Lorena admits that it has not been easy to live almost five years without knowing where her son is, who is now 12 years old, of them, five missing.“Because we have to say it, this is not overcome, we survive it if we have Jesus Christ in our hearts.The faith and peace of God help handle any situation ”.

When these cases pass, in addition to anguish and helplessness, especially if it is a minor, there may be another strong element that increases sadness.That is why he was asked: Do you feel guilty about your child's disappearance?She was sincere with her response: "I have felt everything, because she is my son who is missing".

It was necessary to placate their emotions.And a question helped with this.How many children do you have in addition to Abraham José?"Three more, he is the second," responds to dry.

But she has not only sought refuge in her family.In the Church he has assumed the responsibility of extending his hand to those who need it.“This helps, my husband and I direct a foundation in the community.Really keeping God and people are very therapy ”.This says it with enthusiasm.

That day

Going back to that April 11, 2017 is not easy, but necessary to illustrate this story that he wanted to share with the daily listing readers."We live in Valiente, La Caleta.As I told him, the child is autistic and does not speak.That day he left the house and in a matter of a few minutes we couldn't find it.We assume that someone would have hidden in a house or transferred in a vehicle ”.

Family and neighbors left to look for him everywhere, but they did not find him."Then, we were part of the police and the press, but nothing has been resolved almost five years after their disappearance.".

They were moments of great uncertainty, of not knowing where the child was, if he had eaten, if he was fine...She believed they were going to find him immediately.It hasn't been like that.Almost five years after his absence, Kirsy only keeps her standing in the faith in which Lord will return to his little Abraham.