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· Exclusive · We talk to Amelia and Eliza Spencer (princess nieces) about her life in South Africa, her aunt's legacy and the importance of addressing mental health without shame

· Exclusive · We talk to Amelia and Eliza Spencer (princess nieces) about her life in South Africa, her aunt's legacy and the importance of addressing mental health without shame

Eliza experimentó la tragedia en carne propia hace 13 años. En 2008 su novio de 17 años, Chris Elliott, murió en un accidente de tráfico cuando un coche en el que iba de pasajero se estrelló contra un árbol. El joven había sido un prometedor deportista de bodyboard en su último año de clases. “Atravesé un periodo muy difícil y tuve un grupo de apoyo increíble, al que le estoy muy agradecida”, reconoce Eliza, visiblemente emocionada. “Me ayudaron a superarlo, junto al respaldo de mi familia y de mis amigos. Sigo viendo a mi terapeuta”. En el dorso de la mu ñeca tiene un pequeño tatuaje en forma de estrella, que se hizo tras la muerte de Chris. Hoy da las gracias por estar con Channing. “Tengo una suerte inmensa de haber conocido a alguien como él. Ha sido mi sostén en las épocas y los aniversarios tristes. No intenta cambiar mi pasado”. Amelia me cuenta que la resiliencia de su hermana ha sido extraordinaria: “Es la persona más fuerte que conozco”.·EXCLUSIVA· Hablamos con Amelia y Eliza Spencer (sobrinas de la princesa Diana) sobre su vida en Sudáfrica, el legado de su tía y la importancia de abordar la salud mental sin vergüenza ·EXCLUSIVA· Hablamos con Amelia y Eliza Spencer (sobrinas de la princesa Diana) sobre su vida en Sudáfrica, el legado de su tía y la importancia de abordar la salud mental sin vergüenza

Young people not only promote mental health.Among other causes that support are animal welfare and beneficial organizations focused on childhood.Last year, Eliza spent 10 days in Malaui with Victoria to collaborate with United Purpose, an organization created to help refugees from the Mozambique Civil War.They are also committed to the community that surrounds them.South Africa is the most industrialized country of its continent, but also one of those that shows the greatest inequality, and the last year has been devastating.More than 20 have been lost.000 lives and many small businesses have closed.

·EXCLUSIVA· Hablamos con Amelia y Eliza Spencer (sobrinas de la princesa Diana) sobre su vida en Sudáfrica, el legado de su tía y la importancia de abordar la salud mental sin vergüenza

When confinement in the country was decreed and a friend and neighbor of the twins had the misfortune that the house burned for an electrical failure."I contacted as many people as possible and gathered everything we could: a new fridge and the basics to start recovering," says Eliza.The confinement of South Africa, as happened in many countries, was strict and lasted four months."If you left home it was just to acquire the essential," says Amelia.“The police went rounds in the streets and looked at the invoices to verify that you had not gone shopping: acquiring alcohol and tobacco was prohibited.It was good that, within the communities, it would socialize and alternate less, I think that saved many people ”.In the most intense part of confinement the sisters spent weeks without seeing themselves, but they seem to be aware of how lucky."We are very privileged if we compare it with what other people have lived," says Eliza.He adds that all the pandemic "has been a period of great reflection that reminds you of what is important: friends, family, health and well -being of people".