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A shoe bitumen, the new burundanga: two victims in two discos from Madrid

A shoe bitumen, the new burundanga: two victims in two discos from Madrid

The morning after the party, P.He woke up without remembering much of what had happened last night.He had gone with some friends to Blackhaus, former Budha, located on the old road of A Coruña, on the outskirts of Madrid.It happened last September.They arrived soon, it was still daytime and they began to make a bottle before entering the luxurious mansion with three plants and three different disco environments in a single building.The party began in that place and then continued up hours at the Pachá nightclub.The memories of what happened are very diffuse around what happened since they entered the first disco to the end.Little by little, the young woman will realize the seriousness of what happened.

A young man who belongs to the same group of friends writes the next morning.According to WhatsApp messages that the young woman sends in those hours, to which Spanish has had access, P.fails to clearly rebuild what happened.The young man tells him that the night before they lined, that there was sex, that she was "very bad".However, when the conversation begins, it releases a phrase that, in the end, is being decisive in the criminal process that is opened against him: "Yesterday you were drugged or what?".

That night the young P.He was allegedly a victim of a rape perpetrated by this young man in the Disco Baños.In the conversation between the two, which occurs the next day, the aggressor plays the role that the thing did not go with him, that the situation was not caused, that it was the one who, he says, threw himself into his arms.Play that trick because p.Does not remember much of what happened.

He has flashes of a few moments and some concrete facts: that conversation, that kiss in the bathroom, a caress...but nothing else.What I miss the young victim, who barely counts 17 years of age (she says it in the messages), is that she had always rejected her.The aggressor had suggested several times, he had tried everything, but she was not attracted to her and there the matter remained, in theory, settled.

As Spanish has learned through judicial and police sources, the case is already in court and the young man is accused of a crime of sexual aggression.There is a particularity in the case that constitutes a serious aggravating man to take into account in the process: research agents, according to the evidence collected, believe that he was drugged by introducing a dangerous liquid in his drink in order to access sex with the.

Next to him, another kid belonging to the same circle of friends is also accused of the same crime for an identical case, perpetrated another different night but in which the same product was used, the same product.

Un betún para zapatos, la nueva burundanga: dos víctimas en dos discotecas de Madrid

The product in question, which served to drug the young woman comes in a small and black boat that contains a liquid.It is called fetish, and according to the toxicological expert test contributed to the process, this material is, in fact, a product that is used as a kind of bitumen, to clean leather, to get shine.The effect that causes being ingested or inhaled is irremediable.

In recent years, much of the Burundanga has come, a well -known drug about which National Police and Civil Guard warn of their dangerous effects.It is also known as scopolamine and has the peculiarity of canceling the will of who consumes it.It is also surrounded by myths.The most repeated is the one who ensures that just blowing it to someone's face can cancel his will.There are many people who claim to have been intoxicated and subjected by Burundanga, but very few scientific evidence that this happened in Spain.

In 2016, the first confirmed case of Submission for Scopolamina in Spain was published in a scientific journal, specifically in Palma de Mallorca.In September 2017, a year later, the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences confirmed a person's first death due to Burundanga consumption in our country.

This double case that is now being investigated by the authorities and that is already in the hands of the courts constitutes the revelation of a method similar to the burundanga but whose results are equally perverse: perpetrate a violation.

"If you saw me so bad, why didn't you stop?"

Interior of the famous and exclusive Blackhaus disco.

The conversation between P.And his alleged aggressor continues.She tries to understand what happened but the phrase that he releases at the beginning referring to the drug is still stuck in her head.If I have never gotten into any of this, think.Beyond the glasses, to p.It would never think of trying other things.

The young woman, according to the conversations to which the Spanish has had access and who work in the summary of the cause, gets tense because she barely remembers what happened.He insists: there was sex, he says he was spoiled, but that she was "very bad".She replies: “If I was going so badly, if I was so drugged, why did you do it?Why didn't you stop? ".

The young woman cuts the conversation with him.The days pass, the weeks and in the end he decides to file a complaint at the police station of the Madrid town in which he resides.From there begins the process by which its alleged aggressor already passes to the investigated plan.

Once he began to collect data and investigate what happened on that September night, the Civil Guard agents cite to declare the alleged aggressor.As is usually done, before making a statement, they ask you to deposit all the objects that you had on a tray before proceeding to the interrogation.In these cases, a small inventory is usually made so that the individual in question does not lose anything and then recover everything he carried.

When the young man left, the agents still had the list with the elements of the inventory.Among the objects, there was a small black boat, with a thread plug;The product's name is serigraph in the back of the container: “Fetish.Leather Cleaner (leather cleaner) ".

At first, agents did not give it any importance.The days passed.But one of them, out of curiosity, decided to look for what that strange product served, what it was about.By typing the name on the Internet, this article soon appeared and for what it served."Wake up sexual appetite"."To clean leather".Its sale is prohibited in Spain by the authorities.

Agents found the product in different Internet pages."I had never found any similar cases," explains Carlos Sardinero, of Sardinero Lawyers.It is his firm who exercises the accusation by one of the two victims.

As indicated in the lower part of the container itself ("do not inhale"), it is a danger inhale or ingest this product.After the finding, the agents went to the alleged aggressor's home.There they found more boats like this.All had been acquired via online.

Dangerous side effects

The product in question with which violations were allegedly perpetrated.

Fetish is mostly composed of amilo, butyl or isobutyl nitrites.They are colorless and odorless liquids that are sold in small glass boats to inhale.Amilo nitrate is a very volatile and inflammatory substance and has never to be ingested because it can be deadly.

It is prohibited by the Spanish Medication Agency.According to the National Drug Plan, the effect it produces is that of a sudden sensation of lightness and desire for the sexual increase.It can also produce intense and harmful side effects: redness of the face and neck, headache, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and hypotension.

The product can be found online with relative ease.As is produced and marketed outside Spain, the authorities have many problems when it comes to stopping their distribution and their entry into the country.Each boat barely costs about 11 euros, and its effects are absolutely devastating.

By having the proof of this product, the agents were able to start pulling the thread and managed to send the case to the courts.A few weeks later, a friend of P.He denounced a similar case, also perpetrated in a disco.The alleged second aggressor belonged to the closest circle of friends of the first.Agents suspect that the product used in this specific case is also the fetish, the same product as in the first.

The night in which the young P.He suffered the aggression is still today, full of lagoons that the young woman does not know how to fill.The same thing happens with the case of her friend.Now it will be the agents and the courts who determine what happened.How they were raped.The way in which both aggressors took advantage of them.The judicial process continues.

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