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8 great tricks so your shoes Don't hurt.

8 great tricks so your shoes Don't hurt.

How many times have you seen those beautiful shoes, you bought them, but when you put them on you you realize they're super uncomfortable and they make you hurt.

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Relax, not everything is lost. OkChicas portal shared a list of useful and practical tips to make those shoes fit at your feet and do not cause you the hateful blisters.

1. Wear socks or socks

If the problem is that the shoes are small and you need to enlarge them, the solution is to wear them with thick socks or put two stockings on one foot and walk with the shoes for a while, obviously you have to do it at home, before you open them. Once you've done this, you'll notice that your shoes feel wider.

2. Use spray products

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If it only hurts a part of your shoe, then spray a little spray in the area. Immediately, after doing so, put it on so that it is loosened to conform to your foot. Repeat the action as necessary.

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3. Cures

If the shoe hurts, the fastest solution is to use a Band-Aid in the affected area. Preferably try to get the adhesive to stick well to your skin so it doesn't release.

4. Hygiene towels

If the shoe is large, place a hygienic towel in each shoe. Towels have a glue that fits your shoes, and they are super comfortable.

5. Apply deodorant in bar

In the area that grazes or bothers your shoe, apply a little deodorant to the bar. This will make your skin slip and you Don't get blisters.

6. Use a hair dryer

Again you'll have to wear a thick sock, but only for a few minutes. Place the sock on the shoes and pass the dryer for a few minutes. The heat it emits will make your shoe loose and adjust to your foot.

7. Use Vaseline

Pour some Vaseline in the area where your shoe bothers you. This will make your skin slip and not hurt.

8. Tie your fingers

If you're going to wear heels that make you uncomfortable, tie your ring and a half fingers with a little tape. This will make your heel shoes much more comfortable and Don't hurt you.