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Delfina Operation and a real -life case, by Walter Beller - and so on

Delfina Operation and a real -life case, by Walter Beller - and so on

The trick is to know how to read the weaknesses of the others.Many times we have come to believe the government says and only mere crazy occurrences are mere occurrences, and that is why the country is aimless from the economic to insecurity problems and, above all, in relation to serious health issues.Mañaneras conferences are public exhibitions in which the president can virtually say anything that comes to mind at that time.Perorata without filters.That is the part of improvisation, and it is true that conferences are an ostensible expression of uncontrollable narcissism.When speaking, the president only listens to his voice and his thoughts.Nothing more.It is a tired, monotonous, repetitive and predictable soliloquy.

The question is: why can he do things like that and in a casual way, with the self -confidence of who knows that he will not be reconid as?Or more generally: why and how has López Obrador achieved?A fundamental key is the "transformation into its opposite", according to psychoanalysis.Indeed, the popular saying summarizes: tell me that you presume and I will tell you what you lack.Honesty in each speech ("the people get tired of so much click"), honesty as a moral and distinctive sign.The perverse is living and promoting the opposite: government corruption.Deny to hide.The trick: Faced with criticism, raise the bet, trying to lack the adversary.

Machiavelli recommended to know the weaknesses of the opponents.AMLO understood from very early that politicians, powerful lords of money and people with influence in public opinion are afraid of public scandal;They have fear to be exhibited in the media and - currently - on social networks.Fear paralyzes and inhibits.And the one who infuses fear becomes untouchable.We already know: the brave lives until the coward wants.The president has converted blackmail and intimidation into a unique way of doing politics.Of course, it is not his invention.It is likely that it is an ancient and used resource to achieve and preserve power.

The novelty, if possible, is duality: in a face, humility, Franciscan austerity and benevolence ("mine is not revenge");On the other side, the threat, sometimes buried and sometimes manifests, exhibiting its stark power (“so that they see who commands”, a phrase that proclaimed - on a not so unusual flaunt - when the result of the “popular” consultation was learnedthat Texcoco airport, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America).

Machiavelli recommended the prince to be as loved as feared, but that if he did not achieve the first thing to be feared.Like the crouch perverse thief: first he has to pretend to be the opposite of what he is and then enjoy the terror that causes when he acts and dominates his victim.

To intimidate with a possible scandal, you have to use any topic that implies discredit for the opponent.I discovered AMLO that you can dominate anyone as long as it feels fear in the face of scorn, defamation, slander, infamies, crimes manufacturing (that is, who is not?).To overcome the other, you have to take advantage of any interstitium, stumbling, nonsense, missing, vojamen, gossip, infused or transcended to be endorsed, false or truly, the opponent in question (with possible affectation to their personal honor and public fame).

That is, the procedure is to investigate whether such a character has been pointed out by rugged matters, although of little importance or if they become accusations of illicit.An example is Carlos Ahumada, first benefactor - obviously interested - who is not forgiven the exhibition he made of the "Lord of the Leagues", being a private secretary of AML.(By the way, what happened to the money that took the teacher Bejarano with everything and leagues.Finally, it is a process that is done with some sadism.

To use this ploy, López Obrador has stripped of the fear he detects in the others.He does not care to be exhibited as a Truhan, he is worth a hat to be bitten by cursing and the founded criticisms stand out well and beautiful (although he is sullen and even annoying).An unbeatable character was invented (he said: "I am invulnerable").That is, it generated an immune character before everything that violent and weakens others: fame, honor, prestige, heritage, family.Nothing moves it, nothing affects him.His alleged humility is a camouflage.In a world where everyone has a queue to step on them, López Obrador has made an unpolluted character, incorrupt, clean, incriticable (Father Solalinde called him "holy").Almost like the title of the Cantinflas movie: a quijote without stain.But in reality, he always acts or is crouched on the margins of the law, when he does not blatantly out or against the law.The end justifies the means, and so everything is possible.And there is no end than power for power.

That is why he has headed shots of oil wells in Tabasco, he has promoted the non -payment of electric fees, he has directed demonstrations that reduced him quite a lot media and economically (Salinas gave him money through Camacho Solís to lift a plant inthe capital Zócalo), as well as caused the closure of Reforma Avenue (affecting hundreds of companies and jobs).Invariably it relies on the same blackmail: if they ignore me, I release the tiger (the unconditional masses).He does not care about the consequences in order to dominate person or group ("I am right and I do not notice").His action is clear: I find you, my opponent, and you know that nothing happens to me;You will never dare to respond to my provocation (the one that Calla grants).

Operación Delfina y un caso de la vida real, por Walter Beller - Etcétera

If they accuse him of judicial contempt (as happened in 2004, with the matter of El Encino Place) he replies: I am beyond human justice.Duality works, shots, intimidates.His line of conduct is to divert the attention of compromising issues by even resorting to moral and even religious invocations.Whatever is useful: jokes, popular sentences, sayings, nicknames, stigmas ("the neoliberals", "the Fifís", "the conservatives").Never give any proof of what he affirms and always revirmed the reproaches.If you are told that it is your obligation to comply with laws, assume that morality (yours) is above the right.That is why the insistence on following moral cards that turn out to be dead letter.

A blackmailer has to be aggressive and even violent with his victim.The environment with which López Obrador has sustained his "movement" is to demand cash - this is to be underlined - to those who have left, either for fear, for complicity or as a means to have interlocution with him.No one can believe that Morena was born, grew and triumphed for strictly in the democratic game.There was a lot of cash in between.

For the character to maintain his image of an unpolluted being, he should not be so rough as for him directly charge the money of blackmail.

It has been documented - even López Obrador has admitted it - that “contributions” have been received in cash - incalculable money signs - for “the movement”, received without documents or verifiable records.Receptors have even been their own brothers, Pio and Jesús Martín.It also uses third people.His "almost brother", Julio Scherer, was heard in a telephone filtration asking for money from an entrepreneur.The bad tongues slid that Scherer first stayed with "some million", surprised him, returned them to the "movement", and was awarded with the legal-political management of the 4T.And the personal fortune of "Julito"?Nobody knows.The FIU investigated it, but it is for now untouchable.As nobody knows about the immense fortune of Gertz Manero, the prosecutor always obsequently with his boss who is not his boss, and that surely made significant and constant contributions "to the movement".

Preferably women: the "4T collectors".

Rocío Nahle García, "The Queen of the Moches", nicknamed for her extraordinary ability to collect money to workers and employees in favor of Morena.The payment he received: be the head of the Ministry of Energy.

Irma Erendira Sandoval, the "La Dulce Irma", obtained great sums of contributions and its prize was the ownership of the Ministry of Public Function.But his sin was to get out of his boss's dictates and that is why they defended her.

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who publicly recognized her role as a collection (above all, has transpired, with senior entrepreneurs and construction owners)).Its prize: to be considered the favorite "corcholata" for 2024, although ...

There is also Eva Cadena Sandoval, exhibited in the media asking and receiving money.He did not achieve much.More recently, María del Rocío García Pérez, who in this sexenium imposed on DIF workers the payment of tithing and is now undersecretary of well -being.

They are not the only ones, but it can be suspected that behind each appointment in the presidential cabinet there is considerable money and/or favors obtained during the electoral campaigns.

Following the same steps of AMLO when she was head of government, Delfina Gómez snatched money, extorting, to the trusted workers of the municipality of Texcoco, where she was municipal president from 2013 to 2015.

The blackmail mechanics was the following.The workers are told: you have this place because I gave it to you;You owe me, and if not "cooperas" with 10% of your salary - which you have thanks to me - you will lose your post or receive constant reprimands.(To cover the eye to the male) you will say that you do it "voluntarily" and that's why this paper firms me.

As the exaction in Texcoco, the payroll was made via, the amounts into cash had to be transformed.And so it was done with the help of María Victoria Anaya Campos - current regional director of the well -being programs in Texcoco - who received 10.8 million pesos in 50 checks due to salary withholdings to the City Council workers between 2013 and 2015, according to the SUP-RAP-403-2021 trial of the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation.Finally, it was also documented that the money went to the campaigns for the foundation of Morena and that the motorcycle of said "contribution" was never registered in the INE.While Delfina was the president of the municipality of Texcoco, María Victoria worked as her private secretary and private secretary.

The president has left in defense of the Ministry of Public Education.Use the usual song: she is honest - amlo dixit– and the accusations against him derive from “a campaign”.Once said, the president puts himself in the center: "It is a campaign against us".

It is omitted to mention that it is a judgment of the Judiciary.But this does not count, why?Because if Delfina is corrupt, the president is corrupt;But if dolphin is honest, the president is in greater proportion.He doesn't defend her because she is her collaborator, or for her loyalty.Defends it because he defends his own image.It is not a collaborative game;It is a game where only he is the winner.

The blackmail operation, previously unexcrupulously used in the PRD, at the Headquarters of Mexico City, has already been extended and perfected today.The 4T has managed to colonize for its purposes to SHCP, SAT, FGR and IIF.There are also - just that was missing - the intelligence services of the Mexican State.With all this intimidation and threat device, people are reopened with opening research folders, which will subsequently lead to some media scandal (as already happens in several cases).In this way, the president can quietly invite businessmen and request their “voluntary” contribution, as happened with dinner when he was asked to “mocharan” acquiring lottery rifa tickets from an airplane that never raffled.No one opposed and the businessmen celebrated eating chipilín tamales.

Cash circulates without any bank control.Don't be a footprint, what is not, what no !!The tickets are distributed for campaigns, because the 4T considers that social policy means delivery of hand money in hand.And in that hand in hand they slide to other pockets.Monetary paths are inscrutable.

She was registered with the name of Citlalli, but now called Sydney.He inherited from his parents a hidden tlapalería in a neighborhood of Coyoacán.He married in the 90s with a man who then worked as a driver and assistant for what was offered in an office of the PRI capital.With the triumph of López Obrador, Sydney's husband began to chambar in an unseeed dependence (not to call her ‘clandestine’) by Morena).His initial work was "to bring records of social aids", doing personal interviews and "persuading" people to support the Guinda party in what "is needed" soon rose in the internal hierarchy and began to direct some regional programs.

From then on life changed them at an impressive pace.Sydney arranged her house, painted her, bought candiles, plasma screens and even made changes to have an inner garden.She says that her husband bought an apartment in "a better area", there "for the course of Santa Fe", but she has not changed the course that saw her born: "Here we live very comfortable".Radically modified their daily activities.Hired two dependents for tlapalería.He has "cook", "girl" and a "assistantness" for his two minor children.Sydney is indiscreet and goes up to your "face" all the things you do: meals, costumes, jewelry, parties, trips, gym incursions.It shows with great pride bags and “brand” shoes that he has acquired in “Artz”.Every day has more fashion clothes and increase its expensive accessories, although with a debatable taste.He loves to show the constant changes on his nails: colors, textures, false.At the head of Tlapalería (which retains, for pure nostalgia and in memory of their parents) it parks a recent model truck, by Mercedes Benz brand.Definitely, a substantive change of life and in a short time.

Her husband has become very splendid and diverts to take her to eat in expensive places, "luxury" she says.Your children are already enrolled in a private school ("What does one do for your children?").He exempts himself from commenting on the political world and confesses that he does not understand anything about politics as he does not understand sports.But he dares to say that Claudia Sheinbaum seems a good proposal to be president.Lately she has informed her friends of the intention of acquiring a house in the Rivera Maya, "that my husband likes so much".She does not understand "aspirationism" criticized by López Obrador.Or better, he doesn't even take away his dream when he attends the long sessions of "Grasite Reduction".

Managing cash is a good way to spread happiness, quickly and effectively.Sure?, Who knows.The Government is committed to having (much) effective for its social programs, because that way it supposes that it will have control of consciences and loyalties.(Is that the "Revolution of consciences"?) Again the blackmail: I give you this wool to support the movement.And the threat: if the regime changes, you will see your quality of life, because conservatives want to remove the money that the government gives.

The central character of the sexenium did not invent political blackmail strategies, but it did marked the systematic guidelines so that others have a better standard of living and are depositaries of cash, little or much.And obtain privileges and salaries never before dreamed, at the expense of the public treasury or other sources of financing.Not everyone, but some citizens.Loyal operators, those who never blown the image of the supreme.

Practically, there is no one who is not hooked in the plot of the political coercion that runs all the neighborhoods, poor and rich.Free citizens, critics, dissatisfied, informed and worthy are stolen to this.They are the ones who never joined the 30 million voters in 2018 and will not have - their own decision - the fate of Citlalli or de Rocío, Delfina, Claudia ...