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Reality that reaches fiction: What does Metaverso mean?

Reality that reaches fiction: What does Metaverso mean?

Edgar Martín Blas, CEO and creative director of Virtual Voyagers, explains that metaverso “is a new internet that breaks with the flat world we knew and, suddenly, it makes it something volumetric to scale 1: 1 with the human being, inThe one we can enter.And once inside the user can do many activities, stop being liabilities ”.

What does Metaverso mean?

First, metaverso is a virtual reality platform that has as its beginning the interaction between users.The objective is that they can carry out all the activities they do in their day to day.We could say that there is no "metaverso", but several "metavers".There is the vision of Mark Zuckerberg in Meta, for example, whose meaning in Marc Pérez, CEO of Playoffnations is clear: "It refers to the fact that there is no distinction between the physical and the virtual and the technological".

In 2022, we can find metavers in the world of video games.These metavers seek to incorporate real elements in their own universe.The Fortnite virtual platform stands out as one of the most successful.His metaverso collaborates with brands such as Burger King, Marvel and even with personalities such as Ariana Grande and Neymar.

The animal crossing video game was another of the most benefited from this alternative.In the pure style of Sims, the game is to customize a target universe, with its rules and norms.It also has its own currency and elements that can already be observed in a palpable world such as the works of art of museums.

Who are betting on metovers?

Statista data indicate that, globally, Internet users spend between 5 and 6 hours connected.However, there are countries where digital life is of higher quality, so it is a viable option this commitment to metavers.

Realidad que alcanza a la ficción: What does Metaverso mean?

Meta and Epic Games (Fortnite), are some of the great brands interested in metaverso, but not the only ones.Other brands seek to create a bridge of communication and direct coexistence between the virtual world and the real world.

We must highlight the possibilities of metaverso that have been observed by certain governments in the world.Such is the case of China, which through the cities of Wuhan and Hefei, will seek to promote this initiative.This approach seeks to implement metoverso during the next five years.While Spain is another interested in the development of a metaverso, which will seek to be an example for economic growth.

These are the brands that are betting on metaverso

Nvidia.The company specialized in the development of graphic processing units and integrated circuit technologies for work stations, personal computers and smartphones, hopes to market with its own “omniverse” plagued by artificial technology, with “robotaxis” and auto-care vehicles.

Sotheby’s.The auction house announced its foray into the digital world with the opening of a virtual gallery in Dentcentrand, decentralized virtual reality platform promoted by blockchain.This is a virtual replica of its facilities in New Bond Street in London, incorporating Nft’s sales for the first time.

Adidas.The recognized clothing and shoes brand announced its association with Coinbase and an investment within The Sandbox.The latter with the intention of developing a video game for iOS and Android in which users can try the products before buying them.They can also design their own virtual models within the construction of the brand metovers.In addition, minijuegos are contemplated to win NFT’s.

Prada.Enter also together with Adidas in the third installment of Prada Re-Nylon, his commitment to integrate into metovers.In collaboration with the digital artist, Zach Lieberman, it seeks to generate an auction for altruistic purposes of approximately three thousand unique works to be part of the exclusive NFT.

Coke. La empresa refresquera integró la venta de tokens no fungibles con ropa virtual, que incluye una “chaqueta usable” para los avatares dentro del mundo virtual de Decentraland, Coke incluso organizó una Rooftop Party en la plataforma.

Nike.Through the Roblox Virtual Games Platform, brand fans can connect to the Nikeland to dress their avatars with footwear, clothing and backpacks.Nikeland, in its own mini -game system, will offer rewards with blue tapes (which gives them construction materials) and gold medals (to unlock virtual products).

H&M.The brand announced the opening of its first three -dimensional purchase virtual store.This thanks to Ceek City, a metoverso currency project that connects artists, athletes and other digital content creators.This alternative was present due to the pressure exerted by its direct competition, Gucci and Zara.

Future projection

Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, mentioned that "Metaverso is not an application store with a title catalog," therefore the meaning of metoverso is even broader.Metaverso is a space where users can connect.The experiences are real, in the same way that they would be in person.

Therefore, metavers, understood as an axis that unites other metaversos is an alternative that gains more relevance every day.At this point, those who have opted for it are targeting the lines between the "real" and the virtual.A few years ago we do not imagine that metavers could become a reality.However, it seems that it is increasingly available to everyone.

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