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Bochazo: Most Santa Fe officials failed their electoral examination

Bochazo: Most Santa Fe officials failed their electoral examination

Of the 12 cities with the greatest electoral volume of Santa Fe, only in two officials won their choice and will have greater freedom of maneuver within their councils.The progressive front was unscathed and Peronism was made uphill.The multiplicity of reasons covers from the search for balances to the vote punishment.

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Post -details coincide with the closure of the school year, coincidence that allows a parallel with respect to the electoral results and see who approved the exam and those who have to recover air to face what is coming.In that aspect, the municipal officials of Santa Fe suffer a massive bochazo.

San Lorenzo and Venado Tuerto are the two exceptions: in the first with almost 50% of the votes, the ruling party managed to win three of the four banks in dispute, that is, 75% of the total.And in the city of the General López Department, the official candidate exceeded 50% of the votes staying with three of the five benches at stake.Of the others, beyond triumphs (Rosario and Villa Governor Gálvez) and defeats (the remaining eight), none could exceed 35% of the votes.

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Data from the 12 cities considered according to the results of provisional provisional scrutiny:

*The cut was made about cities with more than 30.000 voters.

These results allow several readings.On the one hand, it stands out that the four triumphant mayors have their root or integrate the progressive front.Except San Lorenzo and Venado Tuerto, the new legislative compositions will have more plural councils, which will imply the major officials efforts at the time of the agreements, a complicated scenario in polarizing contexts and with the sights set in 2023.

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During the pandemic, from Innova Public Opinion we detect that local executives, for the most part, enjoy approved efforts.It is reflected that this approval does not imply an electoral triumph, at least in the mid -term elections.That is, it does not automatically guarantee an electoral triumph.Other condiments are required.Why does this happen?

For several reasons: citizens are willing to level forces in the councils through vote to other partisan options other than that of the Mayor;the political offer proclives to defeat: Peronist collectors or competitive division between the non -Peronist offer;a bad election of the candidate;For Peronist cases, national wear that drags through the “all” brand down, more than up.

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In that sense, it is worth noting that no Peronist mayor of the cities considered could impose on his candidate or candidate for councilman: Rafaela, Esperanza, Reconquista, G.Baigorria, Villa Constituci and Casilda.

Finally, and to the previous item, a restlessness: what will the Santa Fe Peronism do, in its localist phase and in its provincial phase, before a national dome that is oriented exclusively in the province of Buenos Aires, relegates agenda and story and, as, asconsequence, power negative stereotypes of all kinds that fall as pots in the heads of the interior Peronism.As the article of Panama magazine ‘when the river sounds’: “It is worth asking if it is“ save of clothing ”in Buenos Aires territory was produced by the elections of the rest of the subnational peronisms”.I would give the feeling that there is one of the keys to unlock for Santa Fe Peronism for 2023.