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What to do with children locked up at home: spectacular ideas in times of coronavirus

What to do with children locked up at home: spectacular ideas in times of coronavirus


Children without class for weeks and parents locked up at home due to teleworking or because they have no other choice. It seems like the worst possible combination and an unsettling situation for many, but it can be a unique opportunity to discover what the little ones are capable of and how far the complicity between parents and children can go.

If you had thought that the coronavirus and its quarantine could be the end of the world, we offer you dozens of solutions to spend time with children in the best possible way. How many games are you capable of doing?

1 - Bake a cake

2 - Board games (Cluedo, Pictionary, Party, Monopoly...)

3 - Watch movies with popcorn... and watch movies in English

4- Play shadow puppets

5 - Paint

6 - Read

7 - Write a story

8 - Take a portrait

9 - Write a story or draw a comic

10 - Playing volleyball or tennis with an inflated balloon

11 - Make bracelets

12 - Play UNO

13 - Playing console or electronic games

14 - Play the movies

15 - Make a karaoke

16 - Write your family tree and do it in a drawing

17 - Perform a play

18 - Play journalist: Who do we interview?

19 - We tell scary stories

20 - Tickle War

21 - Cook something simple with special shapes

22 - Make cupcakes

23 - Pick up my room

24 - Playing strangers: talking as if you didn't know each other, even during lunch or dinner

25- Have a marble race in the hallway

26 - Find shapes in the clouds

27 - Magic here, magic there

28 - The broken phone

29 - Put on some music and dance

30 - Write on a piece of paper ten things you like about each member of your family

31 - Draw a picture

32 - Dress up and play

33 - Treasure Hunt

34 - Playing riddles or logic problems

35 - Tidy up the bookstore

36 - Play Lego

37 - Make cut-out dolls and dress them

38 - Carry out simple experiments (how a balloon inflates on its own or the dance of raisins in a soda bottle)

Qué hacer con niños encerrados en casa: ideas espectaculares en tiempos de coronavirus

39 - Don't let the tower fall

40 - Record a soap opera for the radio

41 - Make a landscape in a cardboard box

42 - Guess a song

43- Build a catapult

44- Write a diary

45- Create a basket with a bucket or a trash can and play to put paper balls

46 - Playing Guns

47 - Water the plants

48 - Write a story

49 - Playing superheroes

More information

Graphic: How to live with an infected family member

alexander sanchez

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50 - Guess songs

51 - Write a play with costumes

52- Cut out photos from magazines and make a collage

53- Make a zoo with stuffed animals

54- Create a family newspaper

55- Make a dessert or a natural fruit juice

56- Make a photo album (online or not)

57- Invent a circus performance

58- Turn your room into a jungle with cloth and clothespins

59- «Write» with alphabet paste (alphabet soup)

60- Make an obstacle course

61 - Bowling with empty boats or bottles

62- Write a poem or a story

63- Do massages

64- Yoga

65- Make up songs

66- Decorate an old shirt with cool buttons or fabric paint

67- Use old cardboard tubes and boxes to make a fantastic maze

68- Make a necklace with colored balls

69- Memorize a poem and recite it to your parents

70- Prepare a dance to show it to parents or grandparents

71- Make a boat with a plastic bottle and popsicle sticks (use adhesive tape to stick) to make them float

72- Draw a desert island and all the things you would take

73- Cover your brother or sister's eyes and take them for a walk

74- Coloring mandalas

75- Create your own invented board game

76- Make a city with decorated empty boxes

77- Make a wigwam with sticks, ropes, sheets, clothespins

78- Make a time capsule

79- Try to paint a picture with your foot

80- Play with the dartboard and sticky balls

81- Paint on the blackboard or black cardboard with chalk

82- Play supermarkets with empty food containers or toy foods, cash register….

83- Make the list of things we need to celebrate your birthday

84- Make the shopping list

85 - Make a television with a large cardboard box, prepare programs and invite the family to watch programs

86 - Make the list of things that we will take in the suitcase when we go on vacation

87- Playing tag in the hallway

88- Play «jenga» or wooden balance tower

89- Plant legumes in a pot or in a jar with cotton

90- Play I see, I see with dad, mom, grandpa or brother

91- Make a microworld with a terrarium with a glass jar, leaves, pebbles, moss, twigs, small plants…. and even anthill!

92- Paint the stones

93- Play English hide and seek with mom or dad

94- Play with bubbles in the sink

95-Play mikado

96- Make a moving tower with wooden tiles

97- Make a book of jokes or recipes

98- Make a camping trip in your own room. We need sheets and blankets. cushions, flashlights and snacks!

99- Play the «domino effect» with chips in the hall

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100- Build a cowboy fort with sheets and pillows

101- Play bingo or cards

102- Play mime of trades, movies... with my brother, dad or mom

103- Make a picture with seeds, legumes or pasta

104- Make a puzzle

105- Prepare a bubble bath (for you or for mom)

106- Prepare canapés for family dinner

107- Play with constructions

108- Make a collage of photos from magazines that we like

109- Make some maracas with plastic cups, rice, insulating tape and markers to decorate

110- Decorate caps or bottle caps

111- Make juggling balls with balloons, flour or rice

112- Make dolls with old socks and buttons

113- Build a nest for birds or feeders (strings, branches, paper, plastic bowls, half a clean grapefruit, cans...)

114- Make a safety pin bracelet (with rubber, safety pins and small beads)

115 - Make clay figurines and paint them

116 - Prepare an interview with your grandparents

117 - Make windmills for the pots on the terrace

118- Make a list of words that we know (names of boys, girls, vegetables, colors...) or the rarest or longest words that we know.

119- Playing with dolls or dolls

120- Paint plaster figures

121- Play the »Stop» of words or chained words

122- Make decorated cardboard frames for family photos

123- Make a homemade xylophone or glass chime with glass cups, water, dyes and coffee spoons

124- Play an instrument

125- Write messages in bottles to throw into the sea

126 - Play hot and cold to guess where some objects are hidden.

127- Make paper airplanes


Coronavirus, The Little LP