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Use pajamas to walk home: the benefits of an upward trend

Use pajamas to walk home: the benefits of an upward trend

El mundo podría dividirse entre las personas a las que les encanta ir todo el día en pijama y las que prefieren vestirse, aunque no tengan que salir de casa. Esta división se ha hecho todavía más evidente durante los últimos dos años, en los que ha aumentado el número de personas que han tenido que teletrabajar.Usar pijama para andar por casa: los beneficios de una tendencia al alza Usar pijama para andar por casa: los beneficios de una tendencia al alza

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For those of the first group, the temptation of not taking off the bedding, that is, the pajamas, the nightgown or the gown and the shoes throughout the day is very powerful.Because, why dress to not go anywhere?

Having the opportunity to stay at home all day in Pajama, without dressing, may seem interesting at the beginning.But whenever it does not abuse.Here are some pros and cons of pajamas all day.

The benefits of going to pajamas all day

Many people have the habit of wearing pajamas as informal clothes to be home.They are comfortable garments, perhaps of the most pleasant and pleasant we have in the closet, and a dream to be able to go with them all day, especially for people with an agitated lifestyle.

Usar pijama para andar por casa: los beneficios de una tendencia al alza

In these cases, in addition to comfort, it means that we are most likely to have a carefree day, free of labor and family obligations.

A pajamas or a nightgown are the maximum symbol of relaxation.Being designed to sleep, these garments stand out for aspects such as:

What happens to footwear?

Many people associate the fact of being able to go in pajamas all day with the fact of going barefoot or in walking shoes at home.All are good options if they don't abuse them.

The benefits of going at home are also:

In this case, especially if it is winter, it is advisable to use socks that have good perspiration and with some non -slip capacity not to slip, as we explained in this article.

The slippers are usually a very comfortable, light and perfect footwear for the feet to rest.They give us benefits such as:

It is advisable that they contribute to the foot, without tightening.Therefore, it is recommended that they be closed, not of the flip type, and that the sole adapts to the ground.

In any case, it is best not to abuse or always go with the same footwear.It is best to combine several things two or three times a day.

Why it is better to change clothes, in some cases

But living with bedding throughout the day can have another face not so pretty.It is not in the case that we have to work at home, a reality that has become increasingly common since the first cases of COVID-19.

Given this situation, it is not recommended for several reasons.In the first place because the pajamas are associated with sleep and rest, therefore, if our case is not to spend a day relaxed, its use throughout the day if we have to telework can hinder our productivity.

Secondly because we must pay special attention to hygiene.During the night, when we sleep, our body eliminates epithelial cells, hairs and, therefore, bacteria, fungi and microbes that remain in the pajamas.

The most advisable thing is not to use the same pajamas during the day and night and wash it every three or four days, especially people with eczema, psoriasis or other skin conditions.A survey conducted in the United Kingdom, revealed hygiene statistics are quite alarming.

For example, what average time that men use their pajamas before washing them is 13 nights, while women's stands. To alleviate this situation, we can replace pajamas with other types of clothing also equally equally, like a tracksuit.This forces us to change clothes and, unconsciously, to change the chip.

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