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Three steps to have your cabinets in order: remove, throw and place

Three steps to have your cabinets in order: remove, throw and place


To order the cabinets it is essential to pull, rather than reorganize. The key is to empty, leave space for the clothes that we really use and free ourselves from those that we no longer use and that we have left over is essential. Three steps to have your cabinets in order: remove, throw and place

You can do this in three easy steps, first, take everything out; second, set aside what you don't use and get rid of it and finally put back what you keep, if you succeed you will have succeeded.

And something key, do you really have the wardrobe you need? if not, get one, there are many options ranging from the cheapest to the most expensive.

One thing that is clear is that to have a tidy wardrobe it is essential to have few things. The key is to empty as much as possible and leave only the clothes or objects that you use.

Steps to have your closets organized, get down to work

Once you have the clothes you need, separate them by colour, so you can better select what to combine your clothes with each day. use compartments, you can use boxes and drawers of different sizes and put the clothes in sections, underwear, t-shirts, socks. The shelves will also be very useful.

Take advantage of the coat racks to hang bags, scarves, ties or hats, you will have them in sight and they will be tidy. Do not stack the shoes, try to place them alternating them.

Try to place the clothes you wear the most at eye level, usually from top to bottom and from left to right, have the clothes you use the most in front of you and on the left side of your dressing room and place the ones you wear less on the bottom right of the closet, which will always be the last space you look at.

Something that will be very useful to you is having garments and accessories that suit you for any season, cold or hot. If you invest a little in quality things with colors that work well together, you will appreciate it and make sure that the fabrics are natural and durable. An example of this type of clothing is jeans, depending on how you combine them, they will serve you for one season or another.

The same thing happens with kitchenware , simple white crockery and pretty glasses are better than very heavy crockery that you will never use or glassware that only takes up space.

A trick to save space and time is to place the outfits that you usually wear together on the same hanger and if you have trouble finding things in your closet and that makes you have to rummage through all the clothes, try putting a small spotlight to help you .