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The costumes, one of Emily in Paris's keys - the economist

The costumes, one of Emily in Paris's keys - the economist

Desde el original vestido entallado de flores hasta el inolvidable “gorrito” de pescador, la moda de la primera temporada de"Emily in Paris” dejó una huella en los espectadores. El vestuario, una de las claves de Emily in Paris - El Economista El vestuario, una de las claves de Emily in Paris - El Economista

Victure designer Marylin Fitoussi and costume design advisor Patricia Field, awarded with Emmy, have returned to the team to dress Emily and company in the second season of the Netflix series.

Fitoussi y y Field hablaron de los cambios en la moda de esta temporada, sobre cómo es trabajar con la estrella y productora ejecutiva Lily Collins y sobre el enfoque que han adoptado para crear las prendas más destacadas de esta temporada.

Part of the success of the first season was due to freedom that the costume design gave to the cast to combine the garments as I would like.We teach you that they should not be repressed, and that they could mix stripes with moles, as well as several colors.My motto, both this season and in the previous one, has always been: 'Too good taste is boring'.My seal is eclecticism and mixing everything.So, if someone believed that the first season was a bit excessive and striking, the second is even more.I am proud of her. Emily tiene una extraordinaria personalidad, y esta temporada su vestuario va a ser igual de extraordinario”, dijo Fitoussi.

It was very important that we tried not to repeat what we did in the first season.I wanted to show new ideas to the public.In the previous season we use a lot of black and white, so I didn't want to do that anymore.And obviously we didn't want to return to the 'Bucket' hat, because we don't want to bore the public. No queremos que piense: 'Bah, ya lo tengo visto'. Queríamos ofrecer algo nuevo, emocionante e interesante.Fashion flows, and the most important thing about fashion, where I know, is that, like other art forms, it is a mirror of the time.Whatever it is, you will see it reflected in fashion.But in the series we try to avoid trends.I don't get tired of saying that trends die soon;Trends lose bellows very fast, said Field.

El vestuario, una de las claves de Emily in Paris - El Economista

It's wonderful, Fitoussi said about working with Lily Collins.He has completely absorbed all Emily's gestures, his vocabulary, everything that accompanies his special image. Y como Lily es una profesional consumada, nunca dice que no.Although it is true that there are sometimes sets that throw it back and, when you see certain combinations, she says with a smile: 'Really?'.But, if it is minimally disturbing, I know it's good.If it is not scandalized, then I say: 'It may still be too simple'.We tried with many things, I compose catalogs of clothing and taught them, and from there she decides which one wants to try, what attracts her. Es muy abierta. Por suerte, ninguno de los actores nos pone límites.They trust me and trust Patricia, and it is wonderful to work like this, because we can experience a little more and more.We can put the highest bar, said the designer.


I have been recycling and reusing last seven years.We only buy something new if it is needed for the next day and there is no way to deliver it on time.I love second -hand stores, and I am a friend of almost all the owners of 'Vintage' stores in Paris, said Fitoussi.

They call me when they have unique or very special garments, anything that a simple mortal would not dare to get. Para la segunda temporada, decidí que mi desafío sería combinar una prenda de alta costura, de Dior o Balmain, con una de un joven diseñador, con una 'vintage', con algo que encontrarías en tiendas como H&M o Zara.Everyone should be able to buy something he likes according to their possibilities. Compra ropa de diseño si puedes, compra en H&M. Yo compro casi todo entre las 3:30 y las 5:30, que es cuando mi mente está más despejada”, dijo.

I recently coined my own expression that describes the reaction that I like to see in relation to the costumes, and it is 'happy clothes'.I love the color, said Field on the chromatic palette of Emily in Paris.

It allows me to create different combinations that attract attention.Emily is the perfect girl to bring color because, when we started, they told me that it was from the American west medium, so that her style is from there.I think that in the previous season we gave the ideal recipe for her, and the color has contributed a lot to it. A la gente le gusta el color, y hoy en día lo necesita. Cuando se emitió el primer episodio, no paré de oír lo divertidísimo que era ver Emily in Paris durante la pandemia, y que ayudó a levantar el ánimo a la gente.That made me happy, so I hope that this season's clothes are still making the audience happy, said Field.

On the platform you can see the 10 new episodes all together. La serie encuentra a Emily moviéndose mejor en la Ciudad Luz, pero envuelta en un triángulo amoroso con su primera amiga francesa y su novio chef, mientras sigue trabajando en la agencia Savoir.