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The five most popular challenges that right now "viralize" in Tiktok

The five most popular challenges that right now "viralize" in Tiktok

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Una de las funcionalidades más populares de TikTok, la red social de vídeos cortos, son los retos entre sus usuarios. También se les conoce como «challenge» (en inglés) y no es otra cosa que hacer una acción y retar a otros usuarios en el mundo que lo hagan. Y curiosamente, la siguen en masa.Los cinco retos más populares que ahora mismo «viralizan» en TikTok Los cinco retos más populares que ahora mismo «viralizan» en TikTok

In the case of Tiktok, a platform widely used by young.Others are only funny.Given this we have selected the five that have lately "viral" in the social network.Are the following:

-Champota Challenge: This challenge has been viralized by Colombian singer Shakira and launched it at first to her followers in Tiktok, but now everyone is doing it.It consists of following the steps of the artist after the movements he made in her recent participation in the Super Bowl.

Los cinco retos más populares que ahora mismo «viralizan» en TikTok

-Bostezo Challenge: yawn is a gesture that people do when they are very exhausted.What happens when you see another person yawning?Well, you also yawn.This deals with the challenge that Tiktok has launched among its users, trying to watch the video without yawning.Do you think you can achieve it?

-Super glue lips challenge: this can be something "strange" or "dangerous" for those who try.It's about hitting the top of the lip with the bottom of the nose.The goal is to look like Kylie Jenner.

-Outlet Challenge: Another challenge considered "dangerous" that only requires three objects: a mobile charger, a plug and a currency.It consists of plugging the charger but without introducing it completely.Then you have to place the currency in the space between the running and the charger "without being burned".

-The breaks skulls: this challenge is currently viralized among teenagers who use Tiktok and consists of making a simple jump among three people.The one in the middle receives a blow to its extremities while making the jump, which is due by the other two characters located at the ends.When falling, the person could suffer brain damage, fractures or lethal lesions in his body.It is dangerous and it should not be done.